IOCAG member Melchor González Dávila is Spanish Representative in COP25

The Conference of the Parties (COP25) is currently underway in Madrid until 13th December. This is the highest decision-making organ on climate change in the United Nations and is composed of 196 nations plus the EU member states. Dr González Dávila, who is participating at the invitation of ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) which is a pan-European research infrastructure providing harmonised and highly precise data on the carbon cycle and greenhouse gases and their perturbations, has been stressing the importance of the role the oceans play in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere since 1995. More can be read about his studies and findings on the ULPGC website and in La Provincia Newspaper. Further information on Dr . González Dávila which appears in Daute Digital and El Día can be accessed .