Referencia: 2897/2022
Entidad financiadora: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales
Entidades participantes: ULPGC, UPC, UPM, U. de...
“Procesado avanzado de datos de teledetección para la monitorización y gestión sostenible de recursos marinos y terrestres en ecosistemas vulnerabl...
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es analizar el impacto del cambio global en los Parques Nacionales Macaronésicos a través del desarrollo y v...
“DESAFÍO: DisEntangling Seasonality of Active Carbon Flux In the Ocean” (PID2020-118118RB-I00), Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (...
MAC-CLIMA: Sistema de Observación Meteorológica y Oceánica como Heramienta para el fomento de la Resiliencia y Adaptación al Cambio Climático en el...
“RES-COAST: Herramientas de planificación de Infraestructuras y Gestión de Riesgos para el desarrollo de Economías Costeras resilientes al cambio c...
“TRIATLAS: Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem prediction for sustainable management”. Ref. 817578, European Union. H2020, 2...
“SUMMER: Sustainable Management of Mesopelagic Resources” Ref. 817806, European Union. H2020, 2019-2022, IP for the ULPGC: Santiago Hernández León...
The general objective of the SAGA project is to quantify and monitor the returning limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) i...
COMFORT will close knowledge gaps for key ocean tipping elements under anthropogenic physical and chemical climate forcing...
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is recognized as an important component of the climate system. At the decadal scales, the va...
Sustainable management of human activities affecting Atlantic marine ecosystems is critical to maintain its health and to...
The mesopelagic layer is one of the least understood ecosystems on Earth. Recent research suggests that the fish biomass i...
The ATOPFe Project will study the effects of pH, temperature, and organic matter (TOC) on Fe (II) oxidation kinetics and its persi...
Aeolian sedimentary systems of the Canary Islands are enclaves of particular interest due to three main factors: i) they are locat...
Spain is the country with the highest biodiversity in the Europe. Protected areas cover 27.21% of its total surface and the coastl...